Our Sponsors
Denton MTA
Events January
- 3 - DEADLINE: World of Music Entries ($15)
- 4 - DEADLINE: Spring Theory Entries ($15)
- 8 - General Meeting
- 10 - DEADLINE: Publication Contest-Local judging $15
- 15 - DEADLINE: Student Affiliate Dues ($15)
- 25 - FINAL DEADLINE: Publication Contest
- 25 - FINAL DEADLINE: Original Composition Contest (with Fees $25/$30)
Events February
- 1 - World Of Music Exam
- 1 - Spring Theory Exam
- 12 - General Meeting
- 14 - DEADLINE: Local Ensemble Entries ($8)
- 15 - DEADLINE: Student Affiliate Dues ($15)
Celebrating 50 Years of Teaching Music 1973-2023
Welcome to the Denton Music Teachers Association website.
Denton Music Teachers Association is a non-profit organization providing professional support for its music teachers and offering a variety of events for students and teachers:
- Workshops and Masterclasses
- Student Competitions
- Non-Competitive Festivals and Programs
- Non-Competitive Student Evaluations
- State Theory Exams (twice each year)
- Scholarships
- Teacher Certification Program
Mission Statement
The Denton Music Teachers Association is a professional association of degreed and/or nationally certified teachers of music whose members are professionally engaged in the teaching of music and have met certain membership qualifications, as set forth in the Bylaws of the Association. Our goal is to develop the musical potential of each student by regular instruction that presents balanced repertoire, progressive technique and music theory. Founded in 1973, we are affiliated with Texas Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association.
About Us
The Denton Music Teachers Association (DMTA) was organized on February 21, 1973 and then chartered on June 11, 1973.
The DMTA is affiliated with both the Texas Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association.