Our Sponsors
Denton MTA
Events January
- 3 - DEADLINE: World of Music Entries ($15)
- 4 - DEADLINE: Spring Theory Entries ($15)
- 8 - General Meeting
- 10 - DEADLINE: Publication Contest-Local judging $15
- 15 - DEADLINE: Student Affiliate Dues ($15)
- 25 - FINAL DEADLINE: Publication Contest
- 25 - FINAL DEADLINE: Original Composition Contest (with Fees $25/$30)
Events February
- 1 - World Of Music Exam
- 1 - Spring Theory Exam
- 12 - General Meeting
- 14 - DEADLINE: Local Ensemble Entries ($8)
- 15 - DEADLINE: Student Affiliate Dues ($15)
Membership & Dues
If you are interested in applying for membership with Denton Music Teachers Association please contact Deborah Dennis or call 940-230-6370. For other inquiries, please contact Donna Meinecke or call 940-206-6638.
National and State dues include the cost of subscriptions for the AMERICAN MUSIC TEACHER and TEXAS MUSIC TEACHER magazines published by the Music Teachers National Association and the Texas Music Teachers Association.
Members should notify the Vice President of address and telephone changes as soon as they occur. For inclusion in the DMTA Membership List, members must pay dues to the Treasurer by July 1.
Membership Level | |||||
Active | Provisional | Collegiate | Patron | Student Teacher | |
DMTA | $10.00 | $10.00 | $10.00 | $10.00 | $10.00 |
TMTA | $52.00 | $52.00 | n/a | n/a | n/a |
MTNA | $101.00 | $101.00 | $19.00 | n/a | n/a |
Total | $163.00 | $163.00 | $29.00 | $10.00 | $10.00 |
Student Affiliate
Student Affiliate is part of Texas local and state associations, and membership is open to students in grades 1-12 and post 12 categories. In addition to activities sponsored by the local associations, many other opportunities are available to members, details of which can be found in the Student Affiliate Handbook. Teachers must be active members of DMTA. Teachers may enroll any number of students; there is no minimum enrollment. Students’ names (no nicknames), school grades, and dues should be mailed to the DMTA treasurer before the deadline date.
Non-refundable Dues are $15.00 per student if paid by September 15 plus $2.00 for each SA pin desired.
Teachers should make one check for all students affiliating payable to DMTA Student Affiliate. Students who are participating in the State Student Affiliate contest or ensemble must have passed the Fall State Theory Examination. Participating students in the Hymn Festival, Local Ensemble Program and Jazz Festival must be Student Affiliate members and study with an association member and may be accompanied by an adult member of the immediate family.